Ffmpeg compress video loss of color
Ffmpeg compress video loss of color

As Erik Champion states, “The DH audience is not always literature-focused or interested in traditional forms of literacy,” and applying digital methodologies to the study of audiovisual culture is an exciting and emerging facet of the discipline (Champion, 2017). Newer investigations, such as Distant Viewing TV, also indicate a shift in the field toward projects concerned with using computational techniques to expand the scope of materials digital humanists can investigate. However, there is growing interest in the field around using computational methods for the analysis of audiovisual cultural heritage materials as indicated by the creation of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Special Interest Group: Audiovisual Materials in the Digital Humanities and the rise in submissions related to audiovisual topics at the global ADHO conference over the past few years.

ffmpeg compress video loss of color

The Digital Humanities, as a discipline, have historically focused almost exclusively on the analysis of textual sources through computational methods (Hockey, 2004).

  • Open-Source AV Analysis Tools using FFmpeg.
  • Creating Excerpts & Demuxing Audio & Video.
  • Changing Containers and Codecs (Re-Wrap and Transcode).
  • ffmpeg compress video loss of color

    Basic Structure and Syntax of FFmpeg commands.

    ffmpeg compress video loss of color

  • Using FFmpeg in a web browser (without installing).

  • Ffmpeg compress video loss of color